Replacement Hospital Midwest, USA
Midwest, USA
Regional Academic Medical Center, Midwest, USA
The Client
This example defines that analytics used to define high-performance over an entire replacement hospital.
Project Challenge
A replacement hospital design was being completed by the hospital’s architect, with a reduction in current inpatient bed numbers, and health system leadership and department leaders needed to define key operational metrics that would have to be achieved in each department to allow the hospital to function efficiently in the future. A new model of care and population health management would shift volume from the inpatient to outpatient settings including numerous volume and operational assumptions. These volumes and assumptions where stress-tested through Huddy HealthCare’s simulation tools.
Results or Recommendations
Multiple simulation model scenarios were tested and quantified to see the impact on the overall bed capacity. To ensure the facility would be able to function in the new environment the new hospital operational and physical models were tested with animated simulation to test trigger points that may impact future occupancy rates of inpatient units. Huddy HealthCare defined the operational metrics, department volumes/capacities, and key targets for reduced length-of-stay that will need to be achieved to allow the hospital to function effectively upon its opening in three years.

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Comprehensive Healthcare Planning
A sound idea in theory may not be sound in practice. Our high-performance analytics and customized planning tools, predictive models and operational simulations enable us to assess the foreseen and unforeseen performance impacts a targeted solution may have across your system, hospital or service line.