United Lincolnshire NHS Trust
Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Predictive Modeling - Outpatient
The Client
The Lincolnshire NHS Trust is part of the United Kingdom’s National Health Services (NHS) and represents a number of hospitals, outpatient care clinics, surgical clinics and general practitioner offices.
Huddy HealthCare teamed with UK-based Monaghanswhich provides multi-disciplinary building consultancy services.
Project Challenge
Building on from the 100-day trials which were completed by Lincolnshire CCG that focused on Diabetes, Ophthalmology and Dermatology, Huddy Healthcare and Monaghans were appointed to examine the current and future demand for services and the impact of this projected demand upon the current estate’s strategy. The analytical tools and predictive models were used to quantify the impacts of shifting patient volume to outside clinics, general practitioners and tele-health locations.
Modeling Tools
Predictive models were developed by Huddy HealthCare that allowed the Trust to test patient shifts to the alternative locations. Models were developed for each separate region for more precise results. Details included the ability to determine appointment slots, durations, and overall impact to current care locations in each neighborhood.

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Comprehensive Healthcare Planning
A sound idea in theory may not be sound in practice. Our high-performance analytics and customized planning tools, predictive models and operational simulations enable us to assess the foreseen and unforeseen performance impacts a targeted solution may have across your system, hospital or service line.